Over the past decade, Nicole has worked with numerous PhD and Masters students to assist in preparation for submission. She has a keen eye for detail and her copyediting and proofing skills add polish to these academic works. With her academic and professional background, she also has the knowledge to suggest context-appropriate edits to theses in a range of disciplines, including history, sociology, anthropology, education, international relations, and philosophy.
Epigraphein offers a number of services for editing, ranging from basic proofreading to full copyedits to formatting and manuscript preparation at submission standard.
Ahoud Al-Asfour, ‘Higher Education Privatization in Kuwait: A Study in the Processes of Policy Production‘ (PhD, University of Melbourne, 2015)
Kate Bower, ‘Re-thinking the Possibilities of Feminist Scholarship in the Contemporary Australian University‘ (PhD, University of Technology Sydney, 2010)
Rhonda Burns, ‘What was it Like to Go to a Christian School?’ (PhD, Deakin University, 2024)
Hannah Forsyth, ‘The Ownership of Knowledge in Higher Education in Australia 1939–1996’ [One chapter] (PhD, University of Sydney, 2012)
Eileen Hanrahan, ‘An Analysis of the Failed West Papuan Decolonisation Process: National Narrative vs the Rights of a Non-Self-Governing Territory‘ (PhD, University of Newcastle, 2017)
David Henry, ‘Creating Space to Listen: Museums, Participation and Intercultural Dialogue‘ (PhD, University of Melbourne, 2018)
Thomas Hollow, ‘Beyond Conceptions of Threat. A Bourdieusian Perspective on Pathways to Political Violence: The Case of the 2022 Wave of Foreign Fighters for Ukraine’ (MA, Deakin University, 2023)
Zoë Holman, ‘The Tyranny of Strangers: New Perspectives on British Foreign Policy and Democracy in the Arab Middle East‘ (PhD, University of Melbourne, 2015)
Mehal Krayem, ‘Heroes, Villains and More Villains : Representations of Arab Men on Australian Screens’ (PhD, University of Technology Sydney, 2014)
Thomas McNamara, ‘A Village and its NGOs: Community Embedded Utilisations and Understandings of NGO Presence in Rural Northern Malawi‘ (PhD, University of Melbourne, 2015)
Polina Polianskaja, ‘Reflections on Encampment: An Ethnographic Study from the Thai-Burma Border‘ (MA, Universität Wien, 2013)
Christopher Pollard, ‘Merleau-Ponty, Naturalism & Phenomenological Ontology‘ (PhD, Deakin University, 2013)
Maha Thayer, ‘Integrative Intervention for Relationship Building and Combating Prejudice: Nablus Refugee Camps and Host Communities’ (Capstone Project/Mini-thesis, Masters in Conflict Resolution, University of Massachusetts-Boston, 2019)